
由CJYang著作·2010·被引用94次—TheoverallrateofJHreactionforsyphilisisestimatedtobe10%–25%andmaybeashighas50%–75%amongpatientswithprimaryandsecondarysyphilisafter ...,TheJarisch–Herxheimerreactionistraditionallyassociatedwithantimicrobialtreatmentofsyphilis....Thereactionisalsoseenintheotherdiseasescaused ...,2021年9月27日—Itiscustomarytogivecorticosteroidsinlatesymptomaticsyphilis,startingadayb...


由 CJ Yang 著作 · 2010 · 被引用 94 次 — The overall rate of JH reaction for syphilis is estimated to be 10%–25% and may be as high as 50%–75% among patients with primary and secondary syphilis after ...


The Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction is traditionally associated with antimicrobial treatment of syphilis. ... The reaction is also seen in the other diseases caused ...


2021年9月27日 — It is customary to give corticosteroids in late symptomatic syphilis, starting a day before the first penicillin injection and tailing it off ...


由 C McKenzie 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 2 次 — Tertiary syphilis and late latent disease require treatment duration of three weeks with daily benzathine penicillin injections. Neurosyphilis ...

The Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction in syphilis

由 YT Tseng 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 2 次 — Background: The Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction (JHR) is an inflammatory reaction that can occur after treatment for syphilis. The mechanism of JHR ...

Syphilis in pregnancy and Jarisch

No, don't delay having treatment for syphilis. It is very important that syphilis is treated as soon as possible during your pregnancy. Syphilis can cause very ...

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction in secondary syphilis

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction is a benign and self-limited complication of antibiotics treatment, being penicillin treatment for syphilis the classic example.

Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction

由 A Dhakal 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 21 次 — The reaction occurs within 24 hours of antibiotic treatment of spirochete infections, including syphilis, leptospirosis, Lyme disease, and relapsing fever. JHR ...

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction in syphilis

由 BR Nair 著作 · 2022 — Keywords: Antisyphilitic therapy, Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction, secondary syphilis ... Butler T. The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction after antibiotic ...